5 أكتوبر 2024
1 سنة منذ
Search Operations for the missing in the city of Derna,Libya
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In the Libyan city of Derna, people are still looking for survivors of devastating floods, but hope is fading
Aid groups warned of growing risk posed by the spread of disease that could compound the humanitarian crisis in Libya, as hopes dwindled Saturday of finding more survivors days after deadly flooding1 سنة منذ
Aid groups warned of growing risk posed by the spread of disease that could compound the humanitarian crisis in Libya, as hopes dwindled Saturday of finding more survivors days after deadly flooding
Libya evacuates flooded city as searchers look for 10,000 missing after death toll passes 11,000:1 سنة منذ
Libya evacuates flooded city as searchers look for 10,000 missing after death toll passes 11,000:
The first German emergency aid for Libya has arrived in Benghazi. Efforts are underway to get the material to the people in the disaster area as quickly as possible
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Many areas in eastern Libya do not have safe water, says @UNICEF
1 سنة منذ
المتحدث الإقليمي لليونيسف للعربية: سنعمل على توفير الدعم ال للأطفال المنكوبين في ليبيا
1 سنة منذ
المتحدث الإقليمي لليونيسف للعربية: انقطاع الاتصالات يعقد تقييم الخسائر في ليبيا
Emergency teams on Friday kept up their search for the thousands still posted as missing from the tsunami-sized flash flood that swept the Libyan port city of Derna, killing at least 4,000 people1 سنة منذ
Emergency teams on Friday kept up their search for the thousands still posted as missing from the tsunami-sized flash flood that swept the Libyan port city of Derna, killing at least 4,000 people
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وزير المياه في الحكومة الليبية المكلفة برلمانيا: نخشى كثيرا من تفاقم مشكلة تلوث المياه نتيجة الفيضانات
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Rescuers have found more than 2,000 bodies as of Wednesday in the wreckage of a Libyan city where floodwaters broke dams and washed away neighborhoods
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Libya: Deaths increase to 6,872 in Libya after the passage of Cyclone Daniel. 10,000 missing.30,000 displaced.
Libya: Deaths increase to 6,872 in Libya after the passage of Cyclone Daniel. - 6,872 dead. - 10,000 missing. - 30,000 displaced1 سنة منذ
Libya: Deaths increase to 6,872 in Libya after the passage of Cyclone Daniel. - 6,872 dead. - 10,000 missing. - 30,000 displaced
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مصادر ليبية تتحدث عن تجاوز حصيلة ضحايا فيضانات درنة عتبة الـ 6 آلاف قتيل
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The International Organization for Migration (IOM) of the United Nations announced that the number of displaced people in the flood in the city of Derna, Libya, is 30,000
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Libyan Ambulance and Emergency Spokesman: The situation is getting worse in Derna and bodies are scattered throughout the city
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5300 dead, 30,000 displaced as bodies are recovered following floods in Derna, Libya
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Victims of Libya's deadly floods were buried in mass graves. Death toll has passed 5,300
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Bodies recovered from floods in Libya.Emergency workers in Libya have been digging through the wreckage caused by Mediterranean Storm Daniel.5,300 people died in Derna city alone.
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المسماري لسكاي نيوز عربية: وصول مئات السيارات من المنطقة الغربية تحمل مساعدات لمساعدة المتضررين
1 سنة منذ
السلطات الليبية: شكلنا لجنة وزارية ل عمليات الإغاثة وتقديم الخدمات للمناطق المنكوبة
1 سنة منذ
الصحة الليبية للعربية: تم إنشاء مستشفيات ميدانية بالتنسيق مع الجيش
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الرئيس المصري يؤكد أن القاهرة لن تدخر جهدا في دعم ليبيا وتقديم الإغاثة والمساندة بكافة السبل
1 سنة منذ
اتحاد جمعيات الصليب والهلال الأحمر لـ"الشرق": إعصار ليبيا ترك أضرارا كبيرة في إمدادات الماء والغذاء
The death toll from freak floods in eastern Libya is expected to soar dramatically, with thousands of people reported missing, the Red Cross warned on Tuesday1 سنة منذ
The death toll from freak floods in eastern Libya is expected to soar dramatically, with thousands of people reported missing, the Red Cross warned on Tuesday
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وزير الطيران الليبي لرويتزر: 25% من مدينة درنة قد اختفى
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Health authorities: More than 1,000 bodies were found in the city of Derna
Up to 2,000 people feared dead after Storm Daniel causes catastrophic flooding in eastern Libya, officials say
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رئيس هيئة السلامة الوطنية في درنة الليبية: وحدات من الجيش وصلت للمساعدة في انتشال الجثث
1 سنة منذ
Head of the National Safety Authority in Derna, Libya: All the city’s bridges collapsed due to the storm and all its entrances are closed